An excellent article appeared in yesterday’s Seattle Times and KUOW about Daemond Arrindell and the important and generous work he does to shape the poetry community in Seattle and beyond. Thanks for your contributions, Daemond.
An excellent article appeared in yesterday’s Seattle Times and KUOW about Daemond Arrindell and the important and generous work he does to shape the poetry community in Seattle and beyond. Thanks for your contributions, Daemond.
Negativity and racism roams through our society, it’s something we can’t get rid of, permanent like a sharpie.
I can be the nicest person in the world, or your worst enemy, switch like a light switch.
The realness that I write, I can make your mind twitch. Make you think if you should stop or keep reading, why stop now? You have to hear the happy ending.
Step by step my confidence starts to rise, it’s a good morning, and I’m glad to see the sun rise.
Listen to my words and let them take you on a joyride. Fly so high, drive past Mars, glare at all the stars and shake hands with god.
Visit all my friends that never got a chance, where their first mistake was hopping that fence, trying to be someone they’re not.
Having their pants dangle by their thighs, walking down the street throwing up gang signs.
They loved being “hood” they loved it with a passion, with a flag out their pocket, yes that was their fashion.
Bullets fly through the air and now their life is flashing.
I guess so much for a happy ending, but take notes from my words of wisdom.
Life is dangerous so be careful with what you say.
Trey, 16 and a student at Franklin High School in Seattle, participated in the 2012 Dr. Carver Gayton Youth Curator Program at the Northwest African American Museum. He and his fellow curators worked with writer Daemond Arrindell on poems based on the Northwest Gallery exhibition, “Xenobia Bailey: Aesthetics of Funk.”
It looks like the inside of machinery.
Fuming, working different emotions endlessly.
Never stopping, it turns these gears called emotions
…but all this machinery is now leaving.
Being blasted away and burning as it leaves the earth’s atmosphere.
The flame is made of all sorts of colors.
Yellow for my mellowness,
red for my anger,
blue for my curiosity,
orange for my danger.
All that’s left of my negative emotions lay in rubble.
Fear, of others watching me
…judging me on moves I make.
Hatred, the blood boiling feeling whenever a thought
that provokes anger crosses my mind.
Then I see a package, floating down on a parachute.
The box is bursting with all the emotions I never meant to send away.
Sense of family returned,
acceptance and love.
The best was beauty…
natural and glowing of utter flawlessness from inside.
Falmata, age 15, partipated in the 2012 Dr. Carver Gayton Youth Curator Program at the Northwest African American Museum. He and his fellow curators worked with writer Daemond Arrindell on poems based on the Northwest Gallery exhibition, “Xenobia Bailey: Aesthetics of Funk.”