Keith Moul




This is a local road;
the avenue for everyday movement;
the only direct access for me to local farms;
the gallery for the art of spring wheat, fall wheat
that will go gold among dispersing clouds;
and the twisting road tying the generations.


There must certainly be a road.
But I notice its minimal dimensions.
Spring shoots begin at the road’s edge,
roll up to and beyond the many ridges,
while packing jauntily among their own.


There must certainly be frequent return
(for those like me unsuited to residence);
there must be bread to sustain our lives;
there must be the will to roam this road;
there must be love for local displays of light.





“Generational Ties on the Palouse” appears in Straight Forward Magazine and in Reconsidered Light.



Keith Moul’s latest  full length collection is Reconsidered Light from Broken Publications.  His poems have been published widely for almost 45 years.  Recently two chaps have been released: The Grammar of Mind (2010) from Blue & Yellow Dog Press and Beautiful Agitation (2012) from Red Ochre Press.  He also publishes photos widely.  In fact, in 2010 a poem written to accompany one of Keith’s photos was a Pushcart nominee.