Karen Bonaudi

Editing a Vapor Trail


Especially if I’m young,
scatter me
anywhere it’s legal.
For I have not lived
by land, but by stars.
Describe the trajectory
as a warm cave
of eternal friends,
as mothers singing
over webs and bones.
Hear my voice
down a long reed.

Cast me like a net,
that I shall touch
at last
echoes of first light
and my children
shall make their pilgrimage
to the wind.


“Editing a Vapor Trail” is reprinted from the Bellingham Review and the chapbook Editing a Vapor Trail  (Pudding House Press).


Karen Bonaudi has led poetry workshops in elementary schools, taught adult creative writing classes, conducted workshops and critique panels, and performed with the All Bets Are Off troupe.  Among other publications, her poetry has run in the Bellingham Review, Salal Review, South Dakota Review, Pontoon 2, on-line whispers & shouts and others. Her chapbook Editing a Vapor Trail was published by Pudding House Press.  She lives and works as a private contractor in Moses Lake and publishes www.theheroicself.com/blog/ and www.sirensrock.com on the web.

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